
Star wars battlefront ultimate edition single player
Star wars battlefront ultimate edition single player

You can take on the Survival missions - a horde mode, effectively - on your own too, but it's painfully dull if you do so. So, EA's Battlefront does have some single-player diversions, but they're just not all that. Previous Battlefront games have managed that feat - going back to Battlefront 2 recently, whose servers were only relatively recently switched off, I was surprised how well its battlefields swarming with AI bots hold up without an internet connection. It's still supremely shallow stuff, though, and you can't help but idly wonder what would be possible if DICE wrangled them into a more fully featured single-player game.

star wars battlefront ultimate edition single player

They're moments that have been captured in countless games before, of course, but they've never been delivered as beautifully as this - Battlefront's developer DICE's obsession with getting those all-important Star Wars assets right really pays off in the spectacle that's on offer. More impressive are Endor Chase, a speeder bike run through the forest planet, and Invasion, a chance to bring an AT-AT tumbling down in a T-47 snowspeeder. They're shallow diversions only marginally improved by score targets for players to hit.

star wars battlefront ultimate edition single player

There's a run on Beggar's Canyon in an X-Wing, a stampede through Sullust in an AT-ST and a rampage through Hoth with Darth Vader. Upon booting up Battlefront you're free to jump straight into multiplayer, but there are also five training missions that introduce you to the basics. The problem is, it's not all that much fun.

star wars battlefront ultimate edition single player

There is solo content, though - and I'm not talking about the wise-cracking mercenary who makes a cameo appearance here as one of Battlefront's Heroes, complete with his infamous shoulder barge that we know and love from the movies - and it's where you'll likely spend your first moments with Battlefront.

star wars battlefront ultimate edition single player

Star Wars Battlefront is a multiplayer game, of course - it's always been billed that way, and it's been very much designed to be played that way.

Star wars battlefront ultimate edition single player